A Covid Response

The Art of Sustainability
3 min readJun 19, 2020


from The Art of Sustainability — Self

Web page: https://theartofsustainability.co.uk/self/

Social Media #AoSSelf

First and foremost, we hope you and your loved ones are well.

Sustainable thinking is more important today than ever in all our responses to recovering from Covid19.

The disease has focused us on our most basic needs and those key workers upon which we rely when in dire circumstance.

Covid19 is yet another in a long list of crises impacting our very lives as well as livelihoods: CFC, climate change, mass extinction of species and ocean plastics to name a few.

As we get to some form of grip as to the ongoing healthcare implications of the pandemic the economic and social repercussions are only now beginning to dawn on us.

But all these crises share a common root cause: our treatment of the environment as brute resource for our own purpose.

In order to prevent further and even greater crisis suggested by climate change demands we change our behaviour and systems towards a better relationship with the natural world as central to Building Back Better.

We need to know ourselves no longer as separate but co-creators; interconnected and interdependent with the well-being of all life on Earth.

If anything, Covid19 is a harbinger of things to come vis a vis the climate emergency if we do not take heed and change direction immediately.

Moving business towards circular design within a larger circular economy is a step in the right direction along with embedding Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) into the curriculum.

But unless we do so with a visceral, urgent connection with the rest of nature we will fall far short of what is required.

To do this we must disrupt the Business-as-Usual mindset that we’re in danger of heading straight back into. A mindset that has led us into crisis after crisis of global magnitude and bring the environment into conversation on equal footing with the economy and social dimensions.

The Art of Sustainability is committed to playing its part through educational events that heighten our sense of Self in Nature

Emphasising that we need a deeper connection with our Living Planet and know ourselves as part of the web of life in which we all belong and rely in order to care enough to bring about the champions needed to steer us away from danger towards Well Being for all life on Earth.

Our Wellness of Being programme (WoB) is designed and directed toward exactly engendering this reconnection between our Self in a deeper connection with Nature.

We recognise this may take some time to establish as it evolves but we are committed for all those reasons given above. And for its success we need your ongoing participation and feedback as co-creators.

The next events from the programme are the Summer Solstice Meditations and Summer Workshop.

Recognising current Covid19 restrictions and the trend towards online we are busy filming short introductory meditations with Steven England highlighting six key elements of meditation. The first three are on our YouTube channel Wellness of Being playlist : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLovLXN45wWw0G4FBN_QXTU1fzwEJVnzbQ

Followed by the Summer Workshop details below
Subject to Covid19 restrictions at the time of delivery.

Details and Booking Request :https://theartofsustainability.co.uk/elementor-popup/self-wellness-of…-summer-workshop/



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